The season consists of two contests: Regional (late February/beginning of March) and State Finals (late April/beginning of May). Schools compete as a team at the regional competition.
There are four school divisions (this contest uses no multipliers for enrollment):
1A (399 or less)
2A (400-1099)
3AA (1100-1999)
4AA (2000 or more).
Winners and high scorers at regionals advance to the state finals.
There are four rounds of competition called A, B, C, and D.
Competition A – Algebra 1, Geometry, Algebra 2, Pre-Calculus
Competition B – Calculator Team
Competition C – JS 2 Person Team, FS 8 Person Team
Competition D – FS 2 Person Team, JS 8 Person Team
An Oral Team competition takes place concurrently within the timeframe of these four competitions.
In Competition A, a maximum of six students compete in each event, with the top four scores counting toward a team score. Each team score contributes to the school’s total score.
In Competitions B, C, and D, team scores contribute to the school’s total score.
Calculators may be used in Competition A, Calculator Team, and Oral Team.
Calculators are not permitted in 8 Person Team.
The 2 Person Team is split: part no calculator and part calculator.
In events where calculators are permitted, any self-contained and battery operated calculator is permitted.
Top individuals, top teams in each event, and top schools receive awards at the Regional level.
The top ten individuals, top 10 teams in each event, and top 10 schools receive awards at the State Finals.
For more information…
Inquiries regarding the High School contest can be addressed to [email protected].